Difference: AlunosQuarta072 (4 vs. 5)

Revision 528 Aug 2007 - AdrianeHalmann

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META TOPICPARENT name="Bonilla287Sem072"

Alunos e suas produções

Turma de quarta-sexta (turma03) - EDC287 - 2º sem 2007
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Maria Theodora theodora.12@hotmail.com http://theodorasilva.blogspot.com/ ok ok video
Michele Santana Pacheco de Almeida shellsantana@yahoo.com.br ? ok ok web
Micheli Sousa Silva chellllyboneca@hotmail.com http://chellllboneca.blogspot.com/ ok ok ?
Mirela de Brito Figueira mila_figueira@hotmail.com ? ok ok web
Mirela de Brito Figueira mila_figueira@hotmail.com http://mila-milabrito.blogspot.com/ ok ok web
Priscila Andrade dos Santos pittyadsm@hotmail.com ? ? ok web
Renata das Chagas Pinheiro mundodare@yahoo.com.br http://mundodare.zip.net/ ? ok ?
Renata das Chagas Pinheiro mundodare@yahoo.com.br http://diariodasaulas.blogspot.com/ ? ok ?
Stéfanie Caroline stefaniecaroline86@hotmail.com http://www.mundovirtual86.blogspot.com/ ok ok ?
Suzane Ferreira dos Santos suzy_pedagogia@hotmail.com http://suzypedagogia.blogspot.com/ ok ok ?
Tiago Ferreira da Silva tiago-ferreira10@hotmail.com ? ok ok video
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