Difference: HorQuecia (5 vs. 6)

Revision 629 Aug 2012 - SantosJaque

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="PlanoTrabalhoQuecia"

Horário de Jaqueline

Turno Segunda Terça Quarta Quinta Sexta
Manhã 08:00 as 12:00 aula aula aula aula
Tarde _ 13:00 as 17:00 13:00 as 17:00 13:00 as 17:00 aula
 \ No newline at end of file
Manhã aula aula aula aula aula
Tarde _13:00 as 17:00 aula 13:00 as 17:00 aula 13:00 as 17:00
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