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ANDERSON, Brian 2006    

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Penn Bioethics Journal   Penn Bioethics Journal

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Artigo em Periódico   12 Inglês

Psychedelic drugs like LSD and MDMA (Ecstasy) are known to have profound psychological effects on people. These substances are now being evaluated in clinical trials in the US as aids to psychotherapy. The use of these substances in Transpersonal Psychology is thought to help patients by inducing spiritual experiences that lead to improved mental health. Some people challenge the claim that authentic spiritual experiences can be induced by drugs and still others question whether spirituality and religion have any place in medicine at all. The potential emergence of the use of psychedelics in medicine calls for a consideration of these and many other concerns.

Palavras Chave Drogas ,Psicodélicos/Alucinógenos,Usos Medicinais,História das Drogas,Psicologia Transpessoal
Link http://www.bioethicsjournal.com/pdf/pbj2.1_anderson.pdf
Referência para Citação ANDERSON, B. Psychedelic Psychotherapy - The Ethics of Medicine for the Soul. In; Penn Bioethics Journal, 2(1): 9-12, 2006. Disponível no endereço: http://www.bioethicsjournal.com/pdf/pbj2.1_anderson.pdf