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The Apple iPhone is under constant development, and software updates are released for the phone on a regular basis. These updates may deliver new features or applications, also regularly result in performance developments to the device. Use iTunes to sync your iPhone, check for software updates, plus install them.

Difficulty: Simple


Things You'll Need

Apple iPhone

1 Cost the iPhone's battery entirely.

3 Launch iTunes. Wait for some moment to watch if a window appears asking if you would love to update iTunes. If exclusive warn comes up informing you that is an update for iTunes is available, click "Yes" to set up it. Restart iTunes after the update remains finished.

5 Click the icon representing the iPhone on the left side of the screen.

6 Click the "Update" button within the main portion of the window, underneath the large iPhone image. If any update is obtainable, a window will appear asking you to download it.

7 Read the window to spot what fixes plus new features are available in the iPhone software update, after that click "Next" to proceed by means of the installation. Your iPhone will be updated with the most fresh software.


How to Update Apple's iPhone

Topic revision: r1 - 05 Oct 2011 - 01:15:29 - ManervaSmallwood
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