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Cut lower your power bills through making your own solar power unit.

Trouble: Moderate


Things You'll Require

Small solar panel Rechargeable battery Inverter DC input 12-volt DC meter Drill Insulated cable Battery box

1 Make your self a solar panel. Choose to either buy it or make it. You need to be able to get unique ranging from 12-16 volts by a cost less besides $100. Acquire rechargeable batteries, preferably acid/gel batteries and a battery box for safety purposes. Purchase a 12-volt DC meter and a DC input. If you would such as to operate electrical appliances with your solar power unit, then purchase one inverter, like well. All of these supplies should charge you less besides or about $300. A battery cover ought to never cost you more than $10, and a DC meter also input should cost nearly $75.

2 Use a drill and screws to join the meter with the DC input. The two of these parts will be attached in the room above the battery case.

3 Connect the meter with insulated wire to the terminals of the battery. Touch and control each wire separately, plus attach negative poles before the positive ones to the battery. Attach the DC inlet and the battery on exclusive matching manner. Attach the solar panel to the battery in the same fashion.

4 Shut the top cover of the panel. Ensure that it remains tightly closed. Seek the aid about cords, rope or each and every additional material that you feel will allow the solar panel to remain securely shut.

5 Place the solar panel in direct sunlight to charging purposes. The duration to charge some completely dead battery ranges away from five to eight hours. To charge a weak or dying battery, the charging duration must range out of one to three hours. You may use this solar power panel to boil water or function appliances such as fans, radios or lights. You can even utilize it to run your air conditioner to a five-hour duration, supplied that it is run by 115 volts.


GreenDIYenergy? : The way in which to generate a solar power generator for less than $300 How to build a solar power turbine

Photo Credit solar panels image by MAXFX out of website ;

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Topic revision: r1 - 20 Dec 2011 - 15:07:21 - KlementMayes1
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