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I have a cold. Watched LSU-Alabama. Got a good night's sleep. Thanks, Les. Kornheiser. 10 am, on 980 AM in D.C.! Nike profits from increased sales (revenues increased 18%! POR LAS LOCURAS DE LOUIS. ParaguayWants1D? Saiba quais pessoas no social media que não te seguem. lol bet! When I saw my old friend steal her scene on 2BrokeGirls tonight I literally squealed. This show has legs. I know that oops Mentions are blowing up right now lmaooo

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The status quo is a monster. AB900, the CEQA expedite bill, passes Senate 32-7. Bipartisan support. My skepticism about tough vote was wrong! Photographic memory and keyboard covers It's NaReFaSciTwoMi? (National Read Fake Science Two Minutes) i see got another one..... ayyy ladies rings offf.......... Maximize your moment.....

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"Angry Birds" remains any profoundly well-liked game on the iPhone App Store. The game can be downloaded from the shop and immediately enjoyed via the feel screen of your iPhone or iPod Feel. Once loaded, however, you may desire to close the "Angry Birds" game or even temporarily delete it from your telephone, wiping it from the springboard "House" location of your telephone or device. Fortunately, you may accomplish this even if you are otherwise unfamiliar with iPhone or iPod Touch hardware plus software.

Difficulty: Tolerably Simple


1 Press the "Home" button on the iPhone or iPod once whilst within the "Angry Birds" app. This button is the circular, black button with the bottom center of the device. Pressing this button will again you away to the springboard of the iPhone or iPod, which is the grid of icons that represent systems, effectively closing out the "Angry Birds" plan.

2 Press any individual app on your springboard and carry it lower many seconds until the app icons on the springboard begin to wiggle and small "Xs" appear inside circular, black badges over each plan icon.

3 Press the "X" badge hovering around the top regarding the "Angry Birds" plan icon for your finger. The feel screen will reply and close the app completely, deleting it temporarily from your springboard.

4 Press the app icon with "Angry Birds" on the multitasking bar because an alternative method regarding closing the app. Hold down on the app until it starts to wiggle. A red "-" badge will appear above each app in the multitasking bar. Press the red "-" badge over the "Angry Birds" app to close it.


Flash Card Program Cram: How To: Terminate Background Applications on Your iPhone 4

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Topic revision: r1 - 21 Jan 2012 - 04:24:20 - OthaDeleon5
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