Pressione Enter para enviar a busca.


"As drogas não podem ser tomadas como um mal em si mesmas, como causa, senão de modo enviesado, ou como o avesso da causa"
Gey Espinheira

Estilo do Site

/*   Design:  MultiFlex-2 (Screen)                           */
/*   Author:  G. Wolfgang (                  */
/*   Date:    June 8, 2006                                   */
/*   Some Changes by in 2009         */
/*   Some Changes by in 2009         */


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/* 2.1 - Sitename, slogan and banner */
#cetad, #ufba {
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/* 2.2 - Busca Wiki         */
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/* 2.4 - Navigation - Level 2 */
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/*  text-transform: uppercase;  comment by Jerônimo Teles */
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/* 2.5 - Navigation - Level 3 */
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/* SECTION 3 - SPECIFIC CLASSES FOR LAYOUT #1 (With navigation, with sidebar )*/

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/* 6.1 - Content Area */

/* Titles and textboxes*/
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/* Headings */
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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h6 {
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/* Paragraphs */
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p.readmore {
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/* 6.3 - Footer Area  */
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/* 6.4 - Hyperlinks  */
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/* 7.1 - Title decoration box */
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/* 7.2 - Horizontal alignments */
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/* 7.3  Text colors */
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/* 7.4 - Background colors */
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/* 7.5  Bottom border colors */
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/* SECTION 9 - CONTEÚDO      */

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/* SECTION 10 - Botões Wiki  */

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/* SECTION 11 - Enquete  */

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#criar-enquete .input-text {
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#opcoes {
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create new tag
