Statistics for OrfaosdeRua Web

Month:Sorted descending Topic
Most popular
topic views:
Top contributors for
topic save and uploads:
Sep 2010 755 0 0 161 WebHome
 61 ReferenciaBibliografica
 53 WebChanges
 42 WebCreateNewTopic
 25 WebNotify
 20 WebIndex
 19 WebPreferences
 18 WebSearch
 17 WebStatistics
 17 GrupoDeEstudos
 17 NotiCias
Sep 2008 0 0 0    
Oct 2011 828 0 0 128 WebHome
 90 WebCreateNewTopic
 41 WebSearch
 32 LiteraturaESociedade
 31 ReferenciaBibliografica
 29 NotiCias
 27 WebChanges
 22 Tsotsi
 22 Flight
 21 ParCeiros
 21 WebLeftBar
Oct 2010 472 0 0  79 WebHome
 41 ReferenciaBibliografica
 22 WebNotify
 21 TurtlesCanFly
 18 WebChanges
 14 GrupoDeEstudos
 12 SlumDogMillionaire
 12 AugustRush
 11 TheKiteRunner
 10 AliZaouaPrinceOfTheStreets
 10 MaggieAGirlOfTheStreets
Oct 2009 1561 25 20 373 WebHome
103 WebCreateNewTopic
 99 ReferenciaBibliografica
 91 FolhaDeEstilos
 51 WebChanges
 50 LinKs
 49 WebPreferences
 43 NotiCias
 41 WebSearch
 36 WebNotify
 33 ParCeiros
 45 NewtonSeixas
Oct 2008 0 0 0    
Nov 2011 1164 1 0 123 WebHome
117 WebCreateNewTopic
 66 ReferenciaBibliografica
 41 GrupoDeEstudos
 40 WebChanges
 36 WebLeftBar
 35 WebNotify
 34 WebSearch
 34 LinhasDePesquisa
 33 NotiCias
 30 ContaTo
  1 NewtonSeixas
Nov 2009 1464 0 0 209 WebHome
128 WebCreateNewTopic
 51 WebChanges
 45 ReferenciaBibliografica
 42 WebSearch
 39 NotiCias
 34 ContaTo
 34 WebStatistics
 34 ParCeiros
 33 WebPreferences
 32 LinhasDePesquisa
Nov 2008 0 0 0    
May 2010 1238 0 0 193 WebHome
 95 ReferenciaBibliografica
 67 WebIndex
 66 WebChanges
 46 WebCreateNewTopic
 45 WebPreferences
 37 Faceless
 34 WebSearch
 33 WebNotify
 29 WebStatistics
 25 WebTopicList
May 2009 0 0 0    
Mar 2010 1014 0 0 201 WebHome
128 ReferenciaBibliografica
 58 WebCreateNewTopic
 46 WebNotify
 43 WebStatistics
 36 WebChanges
 35 WebSearch
 28 GrupoDeEstudos
 26 LinKs
 26 LinhasDePesquisa
 25 ContaTo
Mar 2009 0 0 0    
Jun 2010 918 0 0 148 WebHome
111 WebChanges
 81 ReferenciaBibliografica
 49 AngloAmericana
 32 ContaTo
 25 WebPreferences
 22 WebSearch
 21 WebNotify
 20 WebStatistics
 19 WebIndex
 19 NotiCias
Jun 2009 0 0 0    
Jul 2010 1740 0 0 140 WebChanges
129 WebHome
 67 ReferenciaBibliografica
 65 WebCreateNewTopic
 54 LiteraturaESociedade
 50 WebSearch
 40 LiteraturaEOrfandade
 40 AngloAmericana
 39 WebIndex
 39 WebStatistics
 38 WebTopicList
Jan 2010 1392 0 0 240 WebHome
119 WebCreateNewTopic
 69 WebStatistics
 68 ReferenciaBibliografica
 51 WebSearch
 47 WebChanges
 37 ParCeiros
 36 NotiCias
 35 WebNotify
 35 WebPreferences
 35 GrupoDeEstudos
Jan 2009 0 0 0    
Feb 2010 923 0 0 162 WebHome
 78 WebCreateNewTopic
 77 ReferenciaBibliografica
 42 WebPreferences
 41 WebSearch
 39 GrupoDeEstudos
 31 WebNotify
 30 WebStatistics
 29 LinKs
 28 LinhasDePesquisa
 22 NotiCias
Feb 2009 0 0 0    
Dec 2011 31 0 0   8 WebHome
  6 ReferenciaBibliografica
  4 LayoutTemplate
  2 WebCreateNewTopic
  1 NotiCias
  1 FolhaDeEstilosIE
  1 WebStatistics
  1 WebNotify
  1 Tsotsi
  1 AugustRush
  1 LinhasDePesquisa
Dec 2009 1435 0 0 196 WebHome
131 WebCreateNewTopic
 75 ReferenciaBibliografica
 72 WebStatistics
 54 NotiCias
 53 GrupoDeEstudos
 49 LinKs
 47 LinhasDePesquisa
 46 ContaTo
 42 WebChanges
 40 ParCeiros
Dec 2008 0 0 0    
Aug 2010 1327 0 0 160 WebHome
124 WebChanges
100 WebCreateNewTopic
 62 ReferenciaBibliografica
 54 WebTopicList
 50 WebStatistics
 45 Faceless
 38 LinKs
 35 AugustRush
 34 WebIndex
 31 ViolenciaSagrada
Apr 2010 814 0 0 145 WebHome
104 ReferenciaBibliografica
 41 WebChanges
 32 WebSearch
 30 WebNotify
 25 Faceless
 24 WebStatistics
 23 WebPreferences
 21 WebCreateNewTopic
 20 LinKs
 19 WebIndex
Apr 2009 0 0 0    


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